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MAGMA won the Best Music Video award, plus an honourable mention Best Photography, in our LCF’s 2nd Edition.

Interview with director Nicolas Maffre.



First of all, what got you into filmmaking? And had you tried your hand at the art of music-video before this one?

Being an actor made me want to write and direct. I had the will to offer my vision of cinema, and above all have fun and do nice pictures.

MAGMA is my 4th directing project, and my first music-video. When I start something I often have scenes and music associations in my head. By the way, some of my scripts’ ideas were born due to the music. That’s why I wanted to try my hand at the music-video genre.


What more specifically led you to MAGMA? When did you shoot it and for how much time in total?

I got the idea of MAGMA thanks to the set: a disused coal plant and old machineries near Carmaux, in the Tarn. The place’s desolation motivated me to explore the subconscious of a man who feels uncomfortable in his own skin. And who goes to find the answer deep within himself.

We shot in December 2023 during 2 days; it was cold but we were lucky that it didn’t rain.


Your cast & crew: had you already worked with some of them?

Yes I had with Rudy Uzan, the video’s director of photography and camera operator. We know each other well and have often collaborated. I’ve been his actor several times, and once his assistant-director on "The American Icon".

I had also shot a previous short-film with Ludovic Lauzeral, the actor. I’ve wanted to give him a main role for a long time, because he is very sensitive, talented and invested.

I met Jordane Verdier for this project, she has been very professional, motivated and talented. I thank her because it’s not an easy part, it’s quite abstract. She brings the strength and mystery I was looking for.

It’s also the first time I’ve been working with Mickael Pedron, the make-up artist. He’s got a very important function because the drag-queen transformation is a specific skill and hard to execute. He knew how to be efficient and put Ludovic at ease.

I thank them for their investment and I would be delighted with working with them again!


At the Little Croco Festival, we’re fond of anecdotes. What was the shoot’s most difficult moment? And/or, was there a magical scene or shot that everyone loved to do?

There were several shots with fire that required time and coordination. I didn’t want digital flames; real flames enable us to make more mobile shots and avoid a long postprod work.

The video’s final shot was complicated too but, in hindsight, it was fun to do. We spent a few hours in the middle of the night in an abandoned place with the generator’s constant noise.


MAGMA’s photography is really nice. Your conversations in prep or on-set with the DoP must have been enthralling. How did you reflect on this visual identity?

I wanted a strong image, and thought it was beautiful to have a character leaning on the walls while having the feeling he’s preventing them from falling apart. With a huge and mysterious horizon in front of him. For me it embodied well the film and the character.


As you know, we also liked a lot the acting in this video; without sound or dialogue, it is often a noteworthy exercise. How was the work with your cast?

I had discussions on the phone with Ludovic and Jordane, and explained to them what I wanted, my inspirations and their characters. We talked about the clothing, the place where we were about to shoot and its symbolism.

So there were very few instructions for the actors on-set: they had already understood and assimilated everything.


Do talk about the postprod!

The editing was made with Rudy Uzan, I spent 2 whole days at this place. We examined and tried lots of things. The upside was that he knew the shots, since he filmed them, and the editing was made only a few days after. So we still had all the shots and the good takes in mind.


Where can people watch MAGMA? And if not available yet: do you know how it might be soon?

For now, MAGMA is only available in festivals. I will probably release it on Youtube someday, but I don’t know when.


Any future project you would like to share here?

I don’t have any filmmaking project, but I am trying to find producers for several screenplays. So don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re interested in reading them ;)

I also perform in a theatre in Paris (la comédie St Michel), for two shows for youth: "T comme Pirates" & "La folle expérience d'Igor". You should come and see us with your kids, nephews, nieces… or on your own! And let me know if you do =)



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