Andy Bowles / United States / 1h05
Real estate broker Richard Gates has been appointed to sell a building. He is going to meet Kate, the last tenant… who doesn’t seem delighted to move out.

« Dungeon » was our selection’s first thriller, which gave it a particular flavour. And we’ve got a lot to say about it!
Very positive aspects
For a start, it is a classic American thriller. Simple directing, straightforward plot: we get the comforting sensation of being welcomed with familiar codes. Scenario lays the foundation, grows a mystery, and will open its last part with a nice little twist. Small hints of dark humour here and there punctuate the story without ruining it, which is always enjoyable.
Let’s notice that the range of secondary characters is surprisingly good. Within a very short time, you feel connected to the helpful secretary, the sweet chief of police, or the zany barber. We particularly liked the clever performance by Victoria Meade, playing a strong-but-overwhelmed detective. Sheldon J. Nicholas Jr’s natural acting was also an asset in the cast.
In its form, the film’s main quality lies in the settings: offices, apartments, a few outdoor locations, and of course cellars— a generous execution.
And generally speaking: willingness is obvious. A story told with passion? It had to charm us!
What we like less
Let’s be fair, the writing is not all good. A couple of inconsistences occur, especially when certain characters, after different serious misadventures, carry on with the story in a clearly incoherent physical state. Moreover, some lines weigh down the whole thing (describe what we can see or remind what we’ve just watched / characters thinking out loud).
This lack of subtlety also lies in other aspects. More nuance in the leading trio’s acting, which is sometimes forced, would’ve been preferable. The editing does not help, from dragging (several dialogues or actions deserved a tightening) to extravagant (the way flashbacks burst in).
Last flaw: the voices often sound damaged.
Still debating about…!
All this leads to several uneven scenes whose we cannot say for sure if we find them good. For example, the « You're lucky that you're still alive » sequence first sounds aggressively basic, but then the actress sporadically shades it with a subtler emotion on certain lines (by the way Faith Stanek has a few moments of grace throughout the film). As for the protagonist Richard, a couple of extra scenes before rising action would have been wise to give him more singularity and make him more relatable.
Between two technical weaknesses, you will also find inspired pictures (thorough camera movements and zooms), and a proper but discreet music. A few risks could have been taken to personalize the style. However the final shot, humble and evocative, ends the film on a high note.

It isn’t perfect; but here’s what should not be forgotten: did we have a good time discovering « Dungeon »? Yes, we did. Same pleasure with the second viewing for this article? Definitely. Andy Bowles & his crew’s involvement pays off, and this little 1-hour feature doesn’t lack interest. Another one, soon?
« Dungeon » joins official selection for the Little Croco Festival’s first edition, nominated in the Thriller category.