Frères Michel / France / 27 minutes
"At the end of his rope, Robert enters a strange hotel. The whole world is against him but an extraordinary experience opens his eyes."

1st Robert from the forthcoming eponymous short-films’ collection, this « Act I – The Hotel » unanimously enchanted us from first to last second. We can even say that the Brothers Michel here concentrate everything we hoped to find when we launched this Little Croco Festival.
Just the writing is already overwhelmingly original. It’s like the eccentric side of Lewis Carroll met Dostoevsky’s cynicism. The characters are all completely mad. Their lines— wonderful. The voice-over text— full of poetry (about that, we could reproach a slow-down in the middle of the flick, when too many poems start to weaken a little their own value). The editing— an elegant narration, sometimes funny and dynamic, sometimes occult. The more you dive into the story, the less you know whether you should laugh, feel upset or dream; that’s powerful.
Visually, it is striking. Coloured lights and surreal sets, various and astute framings; the directing has fun. Another very good idea: the use of old-fashioned special effects. We can’t help thinking about a few early Tim Burton’s films. Music should not be forgotten, arcane and light at the same time, contributing to this universe with a surprising accuracy.
If the directors are talented in their technical choices, obviously they also are for the acting direction. The cast’s performances are good, nay impressive (kudos to Alexandre Brachet for instance), while strengthening the oddness of the created atmosphere.
Hard to end this review. « Robert et le Sorcier »: that’s handsome, crazy, highly singular… How not to fall under its spell?

Masterful, one of our favourites.
« Robert et le Sorcier » joins official selection for the Little Croco Festival’s first edition, nominated in the Comedy category.