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THE OTHERS (Ness Lokhra)


Louay Rezgui / Tunisia / 5 minutes



"As inexplicable disappearances shake the peaceful region of Manouba, a young man decides to do his own investigation by exploring the corners of an abandoned old factory. He quickly discovers that these disturbing events are linked to an elusive force..."


A lot of personality into this almost-non-verbal piece, in the significance it has for the director as in its technical execution, which is behind its greatest qualities. First of all, it’s pleasant to watch. Amine Hamrouni’s photography intrigues with well-composed shots, enhanced by the colour-grading and the 4:3 format. Sets were ingeniously chosen. You’ll also enjoy the gorgeous sound made by Hakim Belhiba and Nizar Khelifi, bringing a lot to this universe.

However the film is so short that the audience will end up slightly disappointed. Good pace, but the ending seems lazy compared to the rest, or at least the expeditious climax could’ve been developed. As it is, the scenario looks like it hesitated between horror, surrealism, fantastic, experimental, and could not reach a decision.

Still remain a general tension that works and, thanks to beautiful editing effects, a feeling of irrational unease— as if we’d just glimpsed a world or a dimension we weren’t supposed to suspect, like the main character… And Yassine Gam’s discreet nay naïve acting, that baffled us in the first viewing, turns out to be a supplementary element of attachment. The concept, strong, hits its mark.




Rezgui here signs a cryptic short-film, as pretty as furtive.



« The others (Ness Lokhra) » joins official selection for the Little Croco Festival’s first edition, nominated in the Sci-Fi/Fantastic Category.



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